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Announcing the Camp Awakening Legacy Fund

We are writing to you today to share an exciting development that will enable Amici Children’s Camp Charity (Amici) to provide more camp experiences to children and youth with physical disabilities for years to come. 

Camp Awakening, a camp for children and youth with physical disabilities, and a partner camp of Amici for close to 20 years, has closed its doors after 41 summers. Camp Awakening provided meaningful camp experiences, allowing their campers to become more independent, make life-long friends, develop their confidence and accomplish things they had never thought possible.

As a result of its closure, the Board of Directors of Amici has established the Camp Awakening Legacy Fund thanks to a generous gift from Camp Awakening. The fund will be invested to generate income each year to support children and youth with physical disabilities to attend overnight summer camp.

We are grateful Camp Awakening chose Amici to further their mission. We look forward to honouring the legacy of Camp Awakening, its founders, board members, donors, volunteers, and staff team, who have provided the magic of camp to children and youth with physical disabilities, by continuing to provide camp experiences for years to come.

In 2022 Amici’s Board of Directors identified equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) as a key priority in Amici’s strategic plan, and as a result we embarked on a journey to create an EDI Charter and Strategic Road Map. We are thrilled that the Camp Awakening Legacy Fund will allow Amici to help foster a more inclusive camping environment.

"The Board of Directors of Awakening was impressed by Amici’s long history of offering multi-year support to children from lower-income households, and their recent strategic plan makes them the perfect organization to carry on Awakening’s legacy.” - Susie Lindsay, Chair, Camp Awakening

Amici’s vision is that all children have the right to develop their full potential. We are thrilled that with the creation of the Camp Awakening Legacy Fund, all will now include even more children with physical disabilities. 

It is thanks to you and our generous community that Amici is the organization it is today. We are grateful for your continued support to ensure that all children can reach their full potential through the power of camp.

Read Camp Awakening’s Statement. 


Kyle Magee                                                               Judy MacGowan, CFRE
Chair, Board of Directors                                       Executive Director